C and G Autos

Getting Your Car Holiday-Ready: Essential Tips for a Stress-Free Season

With the holiday season just around the corner and Christmas vibes in the air, it’s time to make sure your car is up for the festivities. At C&G Autos, we get that you’ve got plans, and the last thing you need is car trouble on your way to celebrate. So, let’s dive into some practical car maintenance tips to make sure you cruise through the holidays without a hitch.

  • Preventive Maintenance – Before you hit the road for your holiday adventures, why not swing by our garage for a check-up? Our team of expert technicians will give your car a once-over, making sure everything from brakes to fluids is good to go.
  • Tyre Check – Winter roads can be tricky, and your tyres are your first line of defense. Take a moment to check if they’re properly inflated and have enough tread.
  • Brake Basics –  Brakes are kind of a big deal when you’re on the road. If you notice anything odd – weird sounds or a bit of a shake – it might be time to let our pros take a look. Ensuring your brakes are in top shape means you can focus on enjoying the holidays without any unexpected pit stops.
  • Battery Check – A reliable battery is key, especially when the temperatures drop. Let us check yours to make sure it’s up to the challenge. And if it’s not, no worries – we’ve got a range of batteries that’ll keep your car humming along smoothly through all your holiday travels.
  • Fluid Check – Cold weather can mess with your fluids, so it’s a good idea to give them a once-over. Swing by, and we’ll make sure everything from your oil to your washer fluid is topped up and ready to roll. It’s a small step that can make a big difference in keeping your engine running smoothly.


Don’t Let Repairs Spoil Your Cheer – Repair Now, Pay Later!

Worried about the cost of unexpected repairs during the holidays? We’ve got you covered! Take advantage of our Repair Now, Pay Later offer in partnership with Payment Assist. Get the service you need without the immediate financial strain, so you can hit the road with confidence and enjoy a stress-free, Merry Christmas!